Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Judge Dredd news

judge-dreddWe've known for some time that Alex Garland has been writing a new version of Judge Dredd for DNA Films that will forever erase the memory of Stallone's misguided take on the 2000AD icon. Now comes the news that Omagh director Pete Travis will helm the $45 million 3D film in South Africa later this year. Financing comes from Reliance Big Entertainment and IM Global who are selling the movie at Cannes. After years of living with the stink of Dredd's previous cinematic incarnation, fans of the Mega-City lawman can rest assured that he's in very good hands.


Matt Jones said...

I really hope they can do Dredd justice with a 'meagre' 45million dollars. . .?

Mark Salisbury said...

I think if you spend it wisely, that money can buy you a lot of bang for your buck. Just look at District 9.

Also, the screen story mentions the fact they're got an effects guy onboard as a co-producer right from the off. Also, it's not like they need a mega expensive star to play Dredd.

Adam Newell said...

Is this really going to happen you think? Or is this just puffery aimed at getting the rest of the money together at Cannes?

Mark Salisbury said...

I think it stands a very good chance of happening.