On Saturday I finally ventured out to the LFF and saw Fantastic Mr Fox in all it's stop-motion glory, and it's exactly as I imagined it would be having visited the set several times, read the script and seen a great deal of it before, albeit in a rougher version.
On Sunday night, I chaired a BAFTA/LFF Masterclass with production designer Eugenio Cabellero (The Limits Of Control) and Andrew McAlpine (An Education), then hightailed it up the stairs to host a BAFTA Q&A with Steven Soderbergh and Scott Z. Burns for The Informant!, before heading off to the Gala Party for Up In The Air which I still haven't seen.
Alas, that's it for my LFF fun until next Sunday. For now, it's back to the deadline grindstone. Posting may well be light for the next few days...
That's some week you've had!
Slight tangent: did you see The Limits of Control? Divisive, that one seems to have been...
Speaking from a purely aesthetic perspective, it's stunning.
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