It took me a while to see this
new Avatar trailer yesterday since the
Yahoo link didn't seem to want to work in the UK. I have to say that while I wasn't blown away by the two sequences I saw at Movie-Con in the summer, both trailers have stoked my interest greatly. This latest seems to be accentuating the romance as well as the action. Then again,
Avatar has probably got to hit every demographic to stand any chance of making its money back.
What were the sequences shown at Movie Con?
Two of the four show on Avatar day. So, Stephen Lang's speech to the new recruits and the attack in the jungle by the dinosaur like beast.
And the jungle scene didn't do it for you? That was the bit that left me slack-jawed. Was it shown in 3-D?
Yep, saw it in 3D but wasn't blown away. Not sure why exactly...
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