Thursday 4 October 2007

Looks familiar

Watching the latest Alien Versus Predator: Requiem trailer the other day I couldn't help but notice several similiarities between it and the Alien and Predator movies of the past. In fact, I was convinced that one shot had been lifted wholesale from Aliens, so sure was I that I was seeing Ripley and Newt again. Well, the good folks at have posted a series of screen grabs from said trailer, alongside the scenes they're, um, homaging, and you can see how I might have been mistaken. Indeed, in many ways it plays like a greatest hits compilation of cool Alien/Predator moments. With Christmas music.


MovieDan82 said...

Rumor has it another, more important trailer comes out today...

Mark Salisbury said...

You mean one for a film that has the words "Sweeney" and "Todd" in the title?

MovieDan82 said...

That's the word.

Mark Salisbury said...

Check it out at