... I would have been doing cartwheels at the news that George Lucas is making a Star Wars TV show. That time would have been prior to 1999 and the release of the Phantom Menace. I have never been one of those who claim Lucas "raped my childhood", only that he made three very bad movies which I cannot bring myself to ever watch again. I feel the same about Return Of The Jedi too, to be honest.
According to The Los Angeles Times, Lucas has "just begun work" on the series which will not include Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader. "The Skywalkers aren't in it, and it's about minor characters," said Lucas who apparently wouldn't reveal any more details but joked that the series would be about "the life of robots". Which kind of makes sense cos he was never any good at directing humans.
HA! i could not agree more (though i'll differ on the ROTJ comment). the life of robots, huh? who cares? how could that POSSIBLY make it past a test audience? just run the Star Wars brand into the ground. bring back the cartoon (robots only, of course) and make it all CGI. call it Star Wars: Re-boot. oh wait, re-boot was actually a good cartoon. well, maybe that'll come back after this fails.
PS: it seems that all those kids from the fan boards have dropped off. that's a damn shame. well, you can take comfort that i am still here. i know you'll sleep better at night knowing that.
Very glad to have you, my good man. And your always incisive comments.
As for the others... well, me thinks they might back as soon as I type the words "Sweeney", "Todd", "Burton" and "Depp"...
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