It's a vast and varied collection, ranging from Ten Films To Avoid On Medication (or Within Reach Of A Cutlery Drawer) to Ten Baddest Hair Days In Film to Ten Best Goals Scored In Movies. My contribution is a list of my top ten Steadicam shots (I have a thing for Steadicam shots, you see), but my favourite list comes courtesy of my mate Nev Pierce, editor of Total Film magazine, whose Ten Great Films I Haven't Seen is a shocking confession (no Double Indemnity, no Duck Soup, no Nashville, no Seven Samurai etc) but a very funny one.
You can find out more at http://www.tenbaddates.com/blog/or if you fancy owning a copy, head to http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ten-Dates-Niro-Richard-Kelly/dp/0571237665/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/026-6896154-3690834?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192298837&sr=8-1
Can we assume the very first steadicam shot of all time, in Hal Ashby's Bound for Glory is on your list? Have you seen take one, the flubbed take that's a Hollywood classic?
How about a list of the best edits of all time? I'll get you started...
2001 - the bone to the spaceship
Women in Love - the couple making love to the dead couple at the bottom of the lake.
Apocalypse Now - the helicopters to the peaceful village.
Actually no, though I do mention the Ashby in the intro. But there are a lot of De Palma and Scorsese. And my get out is that it's my favourites...
But best edits, eh? There's actually a brilliant no, no/yes, yes cut in Re-animator that I love.
You've got my mind working. I'm going to have to have a think and get back to you on that...
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