The "humans" still have that dead eye look if I'm really honest, but this is a big step on from what Zemeckis achieved with Polar Express. And while almost all the cast's digital creations look more or less like themselves (save Ray Winstone's buffed Beowulf and Crispin Glover's hideous Grendel) the one character who looks truly alive digitally is Angelina Jolie, but that may be, in the flesh, she looks beyond "real". (What I'm trying to say here is that some actors, look different to mere mortals, and she's one of them.)
Anyway, back to the film itself. The 3D is sensational. And having suffered through several 3D films during the 80s revival, I can safely report that the dimensional work is the best I've encountered and after two hours I emerged from the cinema without feeling as if someone had stuck a hot needle in my eye, as I have in the past.
In short, go and see this film. Monster House may, scene for scene, be more inventive, but Beowulf is arguably more spectacular.
Excellent news! We get this on the 29th in Australia, on both regualar release and IMAX 3D. I'll definitely be checking it out as, whilst I too wasn't overly excited by the trailers, the involvement of Gaiman, an excellent cast and the Beowulf story itself saw my fingers crossed. Great to hear it delivers.
Then you can shout: "I will kill your monster!" at any given moment. I've been doing it rather a lot since seeing the film...
Capital! I've been looking for something ridiculous to scream again for a while now; "It's just bolognese!" has, strangely, become too predictable...
I know I should know where that's from (and I'm gonna be red-faced when you tell me) but...
This is only about three weeks late, but it's from the supermarket showdown in Hot Fuzz!
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