Saturday, 10 May 2008

Twilight trailer

Apparently this trailer is set to pass more than four million hits in one week which is some kind of record. I haven't read the Stephenie Meyer book the movie's based on, but clearly somebody's interested in this Anne Rice-lite/teenage vampire romance. One question, though, since when were vampires able to walk around during the day? Other than Blade, of course...



Anonymous said...

Apparently, only a certain amount of sunlight can harm them - it makes them 'sick'. And I believe they are still working on photography for this film, but the fans are crazies and the studio knew they had to feed them sooner rather than later. Ack.

But this is what I found humorous about Twilight's author and the fans. They want to make vampires more human and more realistic, yet it's done so horribly. Either make them human except for the needing to drink blood or make them all good 'ol classic vampires. Because allowing them to run/walk really fast and apparently fly(?), but saying other things are incredibly silly and shouldn't be allowed is a double standard. Or something. I mean, do you know most of Twilight's fans laugh AT Buffy? They think Buffy is silly/naive/ridiculous. Just - what!? Oh just you wait for this film, Mark. Just you wait! It will terrify you, and it won't be because of the vamps.

I have read the book and you know what bothers me? Bella starts out as this impressionable, smart individual... but then she meets this boy (or rather 100-some-year old vamp) and is all ready to die for him and wants to be a vampire. Not to mention, if this Cullen family wants to do right by society, not feed on them and all that noble stuff, then why go to a school and risk that? Talk about ridiculous. This is why Joss had Angel staying AWAY from humans as much as he could and had school kids fall victims to vampire bites by turned ex-high schoolers.

Sorry to ramble. But I just don't understand its success. Especially with going past HP book sales. It's not even interesting or original.

Mark Salisbury said...

Thanks for the detailed post Gina. It sounds truly horrendous. I think I'll stick with my Buffy/Angel DVD box sets...

Anonymous said...

:) Good choice!