The 65th Golden Globes nominations, selected by the HFPA, came out yesterday with Atonement leading the way with seven, and Sweeney picking up a very respectable four: Best Film Musical Or Comedy, Best Director, Best Actor In A Musical Or Comedy and Best Actress In A Musical Or Comedy. Full details can be found at
Here in London, the London Film Critics have concurred with the Golden Globers as far as Atonement is concerned. Joe Wright's film, along with Anton Corbin's Control picked up the most nominations, though neither are in the running for best film; the five battling it out for thart honour are: No Country for Old Men, The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, There Will Be Blood, Zodiac and The Bourne Ultimatum. Hooray for the inclusion of Zodiac and Jesse James. (See, us Brits do have good taste!) Sweeney, being a 2008 release, isn't elligble. Atonement and Control join Once, Eastern Promises and This Is England in the Best British Film category. Full details at
There's also this new Dark Knight poster...

And a pirated trailer up on youtube...
Plus, following on from the openings of Sweeney and AVP appearing online, we have some of Cloverfield...
And the first three of I Am Legend at
Plus, I see that Stephen Norrington, director of Blade and League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, who had seeminly retired from moviemaking after his less than happy experience making the latter, is jumping back into the hot seat for the Clash Of The Titans remake.
Tis really the season to be jolly. Back soon.
dude... Dark Knight Trailer and 6-minute band heist trailer thinggy also from TDK.
I've only just managed to pick my jaw up off the floor.
Thanks for the heads up on the opening six minutes.
Summer seems a loooonnggggg way a way...
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