Friday 1 August 2008


I will be experimenting with this site's appearance over the next few days to see what, if anything takes my fancy. If you prefer the previous look, let me know. If this is more pleasing to the eye, ditto. All comments gratefully received.


Matt Jones said...

Preferred the old one!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like it.

Unknown said...

i have to go with matty jay on this one. this look is to "beginner" your other look was clean and professional. just like you (i imagine)! back to the basics old chap.

or young chap. i have no idea how old you are and/or how sensitive you are to age jokes. i'm assuming you really don't care but in the case that you DO, then go with "young chap", or whatever your brits say when referring to young people in a joking manner.

i like making simple posts overly complicated.

the end.

Mark Salisbury said...

Young chap will do fine. So will clean and professional.

I'm still undecidedly re: format. But if the people speak, who am I to deny them...