Wednesday 16 September 2009

Directed by David Fincher

I wish Fincher would hurry up and make his next movie because he really is one of the best we've got. Nice ad, though.


Unknown said...

Well, he is attached to that Facebook film and it looks like the project is gathering steam.

Mark Salisbury said...

I know, but don't you wish he'd make films more on a Soderbergh schedule rather than a Kubrick time scale? It pains me to have to wait so long between his films. He made Zodiac and Benjamin Button without much of a gap but I wonder if we'll ever see that again.

And he's attached to so many cool sounding projects...

Unknown said...

Oh, I agree! But I would rather have him take the time and make the best film that he can possible do then rush something out. Not everyone works at the insane pace that Soderbergh seems to. I don't know how that guy does it.

Mark Salisbury said...

I don't know how Soderbergh does it either. He's a filmmaking machine.

And Ridley Scott seems to be able to make a movie every nine months.

Unknown said...

I dunno how Scott works but with Soderbergh, as he's shooting a film, he's also prepping another one. Crazy.

Mark Salisbury said...

I think if you talked to Scott he'd tell you he's got the next three-five years' worth of movies already mapped out. More than that, they're all massive movies and he's no spring chicken...