Zack Synder's already promised us a director's cut Blu-ray/DVD down the line that will feature all the stuff he's had to cut from the theatrical release, including the animated The Tales Of The Black Freighter comic-within-the comic which features the voices of 300 star Gerard Butler and Jared Harris and which will be available on disc from March 24 along with the faux live-action documentary Under The Hood, based on the memoirs of Hollis Mason, the original Nite Owl.

Also available on DVD and Blu-ray from March 3 will be the complete Watchmen Motion Comic.

Titan Books have just published three delectable Watchmen tie-ins books, all which turned up in the post the other day making this Watchmen fan very happy indeed. The three are Watchmen: The Official Film Companion, Watchmen: The Art Of The Film and, my favourite, Watchmen: The Portraits, a collection of glorious black and white character shots by photographer Clay Enos.

And if that wasn't enough Watchmen, check this out.
I came *so* close to ordering the tie-in books last night, but then a terrible thought stopped me: what if I don't like the film? And after seeing that godawful My Chemical Romance cover of Desolation Row that's being released as the over-credits single (it's as bad as you'd expect, except even more boring and useless), it only turned me off any pre-viewing film tie-in purchases even more. I'm really, really hoping that this mother delivers, but there's still such a huge question mark over it from this end. Hopefully in four weeks' time I'll be telling you how much I enjoy the incredible merch after loving the film so much...
If you're going to get one thing, I'd go for the Portraits book. But I'm going to hold off buying any shiny platters till the four hour cut hits BR.
And yes, it's fingers crossed on this one. But everything I've seen so far has me thinking good thoughts,
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