Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler

Anne Hathaway and Rosemarie DeWitt in Rachel Getting Married

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Revolutionary Road

Michael Fassbender in Hunger

Kristin Scott Thomas in I've Loved You So Long

Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight

Benicio Del Toro in Che

Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading

All I've seen yet are Burn, TDK and Hunger, but I know that's a great list.
I've Loved You So Long, at least, I'll have seen by Boxing Day..
And Pitt - better in Burn than in Button? Also take it you enjoyed Hunger?
Enjoy isn't a term I'd use to describe Hunger. It's tough going but marks the emergence of a dynamic new talent.
I debated and debated having Pitt for Button, and it's a brilliant performance, no question, but, well, I love him in this...
And so too do I. The way he delivers that "Fuck, no!" line in the office garners a guffaw from yours truly every time...
And you're right, 'enjoy' probably wasn't the right term, but seriously, one of the very very very best of the year for me (keeping in mind I won't get to check out Let the Right One In, The Wrestler, Milk, Revolutionary Road, Timecrimes, Rachel Getting Married, Che, My Winnipeg, Doubt etc etc until next year... *kicks can*; Ben Button I won't see until Boxing Day).
I still haven't seen Timecrimes!
Even so, I think you're faring a tad better than me... :P
Also - I think I'll totally rip you off and do one of these later in the week after I've caught up with some Boxing Day stuff... :P
Rip away...
Ripped. Loved Button - loved; only real gripe was the reliance on the deathbed stuff (at times) felt a little intrusive. Saw ...So Long today, too, which I enjoyed a lot, but felt was a tad protracted and that its reasoning behind her dreadful act took the easy way out: her performance was so fantastic that you obviously wanted her to have committed the crime out of some altruistic reasoning, but, because of that, I felt it was both a) expected, and; b) less interesting that if she had have acted out of some sort of momentary lapse of reason/hateful passion and had to come to terms with it once released. But seriously, her performance? Exemplary.
ALSO: Was in a bookstore today (I'm holidaying on my lonesome in Sydney for a few nights) and saw no less than three of your books on the same shelf. Raised a smile.
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