Patrick finishes his report by saying he knows a BIG spoiler that he won't share. "There is at least one major twist in the story that I’m not going to blow because I deem it an Empire spoiler," he writes. "For those out there that don’t get my reference, imagine it’s 1979, the internet exists and you’re reading rumors about the new Star Wars sequel called The Empire Strikes Back. There’s some new guy called Lando, there’s a big battle on a snow planet, Luke meets up with another Jedi and Darth Vader says something to Luke near the end of the picture. Sure, those are all spoilers but if I came out and said what Vader told Luke? That’s an 'Empire'."
You know what's funny about that? That actually happened to me. I was at school with a couple of kids whose parents worked in the special effects department on Empire, and one of those kids told me, months before the film came out, that Vadar was Luke's dad. And guess what, I didn't believe him. Refused to. Nope. No way. Couldn't possibly be true. Until opening day when I trekked up to London to see Empire and, yep, it was...
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