Monday, 31 December 2012

Twelve for 2012

While you'll find me more on twitter these days (@mark_salisbury) than here (a fact I hope to rectify come 2013), it didn't feel right to round off the year without stopping by and formalising a top twelve list. The first two are in numerical order. Thereafter, they're not. There's no Shame, Descendents et al, because they feel so last year to me. The top movie comes out in the UK in January but I've seen it twice and it's the film of the moment, so to speak. Dredd not only nailed the character but made me feel like I was ten again, reading 2000AD. Its box office was so disappointing it's unlikely we'll ever get a sequel. Then again, if you all rush out and buy the DVD/BR that's released in a fortnight...

Zero Dark Thirty 


Rust And Bone



Silver Linings Playbook

Beasts Of The Southern Wild

The Imposter

Berberian Sound Studio

The Grey



I hope you all had a good 2012. Here's hoping for an even better one for 2013. Be safe and have fun. I'll see you next year.

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